Aerial View

An aerial view of Highbridge Street and the Royal Gunpowder Mills site. The roundabout at Powdermill Lane can be seen on the left of the picture. This picture c1985.

  • Year: 1985
  • Ref No: RSC.1985.391
  • Copyright: 2008 - 2009 Raymond Sears
  • Street: Highbridge Street

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Sue Fraser

is the Royal gunpowder mills also ERDE? the weapons research place, my dad worked there from '55-58

Submitted on 03/04/2010 - 08:41 by Sue Fraser

walton garden

walton garden was the houses for the MOD police i live in No 25 if you look at the top of the roundabout

Submitted on 27/08/2009 - 22:59 by Brian Fulcher